The Dismantling Racism and White Privilege Committee (DRAWP) of the Presbytery of Giddings Lovejoy hosted a gathering at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church to fellowship and share what our congregations are doing around Matthew 25 precepts – congregational vitality, racial justice, and elimination of poverty.
Our guest speaker was Rev. Dr. Jessica Williams of the Kairos Center – a ministry dedicated to the elimination of poverty and associated with the Poor People’s Campaign. After her inspiring talk, each church shared what they are doing to address the Matthew 25 precepts.
Eleven churches were represented with twenty-eight people present. We had the pleasure of meeting other Presbyterians from Lovejoy United (Wood River, IL.), First United Belleville, Pendo (Kenyan congregation), Ladue Chapel, Third Presbyterian, Kirkwood, Cote Brilliante, St. Mark, Oakhill, John Knox, and Webster Groves.
Service programs ranged from scholarships to educate young Kenyan students to partnerships with local organizations to serve needs and support organizations working directly with our community siblings.
The DRAWP Committee plans to host many more opportunities for us to get to know each other across the Presbytery of Giddings Lovejoy. Look for both small and large gatherings.
Besides providing opportunities to make new friends, DRAWP will be looking into identifying and redressing harms done to our predominantly African-American churches within our presbytery. This will require acknowledging harm done and listening and working with our siblings to bring reparative justice.
We pray thanksgiving for new friends and for our foundational Faith that makes all things possible in Christ Jesus.