Tag: Diane McCullough

Answering “Here I am, Lord” at Berea Curby PC

  The power of one (or two) was alive and well on May 18, 2024 at Berea Curby Presbyterian Church’s Community Meal. The Dismantling Racism and White Privilege Team and Berea Curby invited GLPBY members to fellowship at the monthly Community Meal that Berea Curby offers to their neighbors. Berea Curby was formed when Berea, a predominantly African American congregation,…

Drawp Matthew 25 Gathering December 9

The Dismantling Racism and White Privilege Committee (DRAWP) of the Presbytery of Giddings Lovejoy hosted a gathering at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church to fellowship and share what our congregations are doing around Matthew 25 precepts – congregational vitality, racial justice, and elimination of poverty. Our guest speaker was Rev. Dr. Jessica Williams of the Kairos Center – a ministry dedicated…

Epiphany and the Gift Of Metanoia

The Writing of an Overture to the 225th General Assembly of the PCUSA: An Apology to African Americans for the Sin of Slavery and Its Legacy Blog Post by Diane McCullough, co-chair DRAWP Apology/Overture task force, a Ruling Elder at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church Some define Epiphany as “a moment of Holiness.” As I write this, it is Epiphany, January…