I asked the congregation why they worship at Rock Presbyterian Church and if they are grateful for anything about our small though resilient church. A common theme was the idea that this church has been an extended family for members and has showed up for them in difficult times. Here are some of the answers: “In 1951, when I was…
I was raised in a strong Christian family. My parents were devoted members of the East African Revival Fellowship. This ecumenical revival movement emerged in Kenya during the 1930s. It introduced a new faith ethos after missionaries had established the mainland churches. The movement emphasizes faith in Jesus Christ and repentance for the forgiveness of sins. Fellowship meetings are held…
This blog post was the sermon message at the 190th Anniversary Celebration of the First Presbyterian, Union, on October 27, 2024 I don’t like ‘remembering’. Seems only fair that I should say that. I splashed water on Pacific’s anniversary by saying I didn’t like anniversaries. Seems only fair that I splash water on Union’s anniversary and remember, by saying I…
Do not fear. This is the message around the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. Throughout his ministry and the Bible, we hear that refrain in multiple ways. Do Not Fear! But, why? Because fearful people do not act well and can be manipulated easily. Those who peddle fear and lies do a disservice to our society, and…
Did you know the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy has a long and historical connection to St. Luke’s Hospital here in St. Louis? Personally, I had no idea until I started preparation to become Stated Clerk for Giddings-Lovejoy and was informed the Stated Clerk, in addition to the Presbytery Leader, account for two of the required seats on the hospital’s Board of…
INDIGENOUS Peoples’ Day will be commemorated on October 14. Not many Americans are aware that this day has been celebrated for 31 years in honor of the original People of the Americas. The celebration takes place on the same day as Columbus Day. Both are United States Federal Holidays. Columbus Day was designated a Federal Holiday in 1937 while Indigenous…
My journey began with a sign—an electronic one at that. Shortly after we joined our church, there was an all-church meeting about an electronic sign. Our church sits in the perfect spot to be seen by many so this electric sign was an important addition to our community outreach. Some months later, I received a social media message from an…
I have been in love with the church all my life. My earliest memories are sitting on soft cushions in a familiar pew, listening to my preacher father’s warm voice and watching the sunshine streaming through the tall windows. I was never bored – even as a preschooler – because I focused on light and color and sound and touch…
You might have heard of Derek Webb from his CCM chart-topping days with Caedmon’s Call or his headline-making LGBTQIA+ allyship at last year’s Dove Awards, but did you know he’s bringing his It Matters After All tour right here to one of the churches in our presbytery? On September 7th, 2024, Glendale Presbyterian Church will be hosting Derek Webb for…
It’s primary election time! There’s still time for in-person, no excuse, absentee voting at various locations around your local community. Check with your local election authority for a location near you. Also, in St. Louis City and County, you may vote at any poll on Election Day, within your election jurisdiction. Everyone registered needs to vote! It’s important to remember…