"We celebrate the gifts that God has bestowed upon us all for service. Ours is a ministry of care and nurture that goes beyond creating church programs and balancing budgets."
Ruling Elder - Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri, 223 GA Co-Moderator
Ruling Elder Boundary Training
With Rev. Dr. Fran Lane-Lawrence
Thursday, January 16 (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm) on Zoom
All actively serving Ruling Elders are required to complete boundary training per the Book of Order. As part of our presbytery’s focus on resourcing and equipping, Dynamic Leaders is pleased to welcome Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence. Fran is trained and certified to lead Boundary Training through Faith Trust Institute and ECCL at St. Francis Spirituality Center.
The Rev. Dr. Fran Lane-Lawrence has served as Transitional Co-Leader/Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan since September of 2018. Prior to that time, she had served as the stated clerk of Lake Michigan since 2013.
Fran loves the challenges and intricacies of mid council work and is grateful for all the opportunities to build relationships that serving Christ’s church in mid councils brings.
She was trained and certified to lead Boundary Training through Faith Trust Institute and the ECCL at St Francis Spirituality Center. She has been providing training for more than 12 years.
Register Below for the Thursday, January 16 Zoom Boundary Training
Ruling Elder Officer Training
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Video Introduction to Officer Training
Members of the Officer Training Design team, Rev. Dr. Bill Smutz, Rev. Daniel Ervin, and Rev. Dr. Susan Andrews discuss the role of officer training as formation for spiritual leadership in congregations.