Claire Krob is a junior at Kirkwood High School and has been in Girl Scouts since kindergarten. Claire has completed her bronze and silver awards and now is about to finish her gold award. For context, the gold award in Girl Scouts is equivalent to an Eagle Scout project for Boy Scouts.
Claire wanted to focus on providing an outlet for the busy hands of the congregation during worship at Glendale Presbyterian Church while also making worship accessible to everyone in different spots at the church. Claire worked to fill out a grant opportunity from Wonder of Worship, Columbia Theological Seminary. With this money, she was able to purchase a cabinet that would store fidgets, activities, books, and more to help be a resource for the congregation. With the rest of the money provided by the grant, Claire and her team were able to buy a TV and a shelf that would be placed in the nursery. The purpose of these items was to help parents and kids of the congregations to still be able to connect and watch worship even in a different room.
This project has been a big task to complete and Claire would like to thank her team of Matt Krob, Pastor Kathleen, Linde Weber, and the congregation of GPC who helped her every step of the way. This project would also not have been made possible without the Wonder of Worship Grant from Columbia Theological Seminary and the guidance from Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri.
Youth like Claire are the future of the church!