In no specific order, here are FIVE reasons you do not to miss our February 18th Special Called Presbytery Gathering on the 33 amendments to the Book of Order we need to vote on! Commissioners have the opportunity for voice and vote on the business of the national church. Here is a glimpse of some of the highlights.
1. Be a part of PC(USA) history!
For years, our Rules of Discipline (that big D section at the back of our Book of Order) has been under reconstruction for something more focused on restoration and redemption. If enough presbyteries approve the new proposed Church Discipline section, it would substantially replace a large part of our Book of Order! If this passes, it could mean that for those facing censure, defending against false accusations, or seeking fair opportunity for redemption, this new section on Church Discipline could guide Presbyterians for the next generation.
2. Contribute to the justice, fairness, and equity efforts of the PCUSA!
In the wake of our denomination’s Matthew 25 focus, a number of amendments to the Book of Order are around language changes that recognize more authentically who is in our communities. Also, a number of changes are being recommended to expand our boundary training mandates to include those under care to be ministers, and also Commissioned Pastors/Commissioned Ruling Elders. Add to that provisions for family leave and adding an anti-racism policy, there is a common theme to work together to create a level playing field for all to thrive as the community of God! Your votes would shape what that looks like for our denomination as a whole.
3. Experience our form of representational democracy firsthand in shaping our church’s constitution!
It’s easy to forget how much of a role we as Presbyterians have in shaping the way we do things! We are unlike most other denominations in how participatory our form of government is—needing a new, updated Book of Order every three years is your voice in action! Many of the amendments we have before us were started by congregations like yours, were approved on the national level, but must come back to the grassroots for final approval. If you are curious about how any of this works, how we discern, debate, and vote together, how different things impact different members of the community, you don’t want to miss this meeting!
4. Bring some closure to unfinished business from the pandemic!
Due to the 224th General Assembly going virtual due to the pandemic in 2020, so much business was referred to the 225h General Assembly last summer, which means that we are now finally receiving outstanding business that has been waiting since 2020! Attending this business will bring a major sense of closure to our work as the church as we catch up on four years and two General Assemblies worth of important items. You will help us breathe knowing that we are being faithful in making up for lost time, and that nothing fell through the cracks, or was denied appropriate attention and/or celebration.
5. Hear a spiritual meditation from Presbytery Leader Ryan Landino!
While this will be a special called meeting focused primarily on the business of the presbytery, we will start with a grounding meditation akin to a short sermon. Let’s embrace every opportunity to pray together and remind ourselves how we are grounded in God!
Click here to see an overview of the docket with a general idea of what the meeting will look like!
Click here to see some responses to questions about the two February presbytery meetings and why they were organized the way they were!