My journey began with a sign—an electronic one at that. Shortly after we joined our church, there was an all-church meeting about an electronic sign. Our church sits in the perfect spot to be seen by many so this electric sign was an important addition to our community outreach. Some months later, I received a social media message from an…
It’s primary election time! There’s still time for in-person, no excuse, absentee voting at various locations around your local community. Check with your local election authority for a location near you. Also, in St. Louis City and County, you may vote at any poll on Election Day, within your election jurisdiction. Everyone registered needs to vote! It’s important to remember…
Blog from your Public Witness Team Member Ruling Elder Donna Cook Voting is one of our most important rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizenship. Every election matters. The 2022 Midterm election is almost here. The deadline to register in Missouri is fast approaching. Check your voter registration today to make sure your address is correct or that you are indeed…
Good people, A recent Post-Dispatch article (found here) is a sobering reminder of the depth and breadth of hunger and financial need in the St Louis area. I encourage you to read it together with the photos and captions that let us glimpse the lives of some of our neighbors whom the food pantries serve. Early in the pandemic, I…
Guest blog post by Ruling Elder, Mike Willock Member of Second Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, Missouri Every now and then a passage of Scripture springs opens in a new way – revealing something that was always there but was somehow hidden from view. That happened to me as I read the March 18 devotion from Luther Seminary. The passage was…
Blog Post by Tony De La Rosa, Ruling Elder Transitional Synod Executive Synod of Mid-America Trigger warning: this is a sermon about blood. If you are at all sensitive about the subject, or if it makes you queasy, be aware that I will be talking about it… a lot. You can take comfort in the fact that I will not…
Blog Post by Donna Cook, Ruling Elder Oak Hill Presbyterian Church Presbytery Hunger Action Enabler Thanksgiving in 2021 is a time of abundance, scarcity, pandemic, inflation, fear, and/or faith. How we live into it is our choice. If we have an abundance mentality, we believe there is enough for everyone, and we’ll have what we need. If we have a…
Blog Post by Ruling Elder, Joyce Wilks-Love Cote Brilliante Presbyterian Church 2022 Presbytery Moderator For my birthday in 2015, my cousin gave me the book “The Butterfly Effect”, by Andy Andrews (New York Times bestselling author). Initially, I did not read the book, but this year, through a quest for new reading material, I picked it up and read it…
Blog Post by Ellen Schroeder, Ruling Elder Clerk of Session, Second Presbyterian Church Imagine a place where you can get away from day-to-day stress and concerns; where your mind is free to drift in all directions while the subconscious works on problems. Now imagine that this place is remote but still connected with the outside world. That is a sacred…
Blog Post by Cheryl Rainey, Ruling Elder Pacific Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Women of Giddings-Lovejoy Coordinating Team Member Synod of MId-America Commissioner Does anyone still ride bicycles? In the 10th summer of my life, at the end of the school year, I received a brand, new bicycle! Ahh! The world was now at my disposal or at least the small, rural…