Guest blog post by Ann Schmid, Member of New Hope Presbyterian Presbyterian Women Midwest, South Metro Cluster Communicator I imagine, like many people during this lengthy pandemic, I decided to straighten my bookcase and working area. As I processed materials, some saved and some recycled, I found a journal I began in 1971 with a focus on recording thoughts to…
Blog Post by Donna Cook, Ruling Elder Oak Hill Presbyterian Church Presbytery Hunger Action Enabler Thanksgiving in 2021 is a time of abundance, scarcity, pandemic, inflation, fear, and/or faith. How we live into it is our choice. If we have an abundance mentality, we believe there is enough for everyone, and we’ll have what we need. If we have a…
Final Thoughts of Rev. Bob Jensen, Bridge Presbytery Leader Returning to Retirement, travel, and service in his home church at First United Presbyterian – Belleville, Illinois The church of Christ in every age, beset by change but Spirit led, must claim and test its heritage and keep on rising from the dead. (Text – Fred Pratt Green, Tune – Wareham)…