Presbytery Leader

In Appreciation for the Meaning of Christmas

Blog Post by Rev. Ryan Landino, Presbytery Leader It took me a long time before I really appreciated the significance of the meaning behind receiving a gift. We all remember receiving good gifts and bad gifts, unexpected gifts, and gifts-meant-to-be-a-surprise-but-you-figured-it-out-anyway gifts. Gifts ranging from wrapped things you tear open to gift cards to the gift of just being present. I…

Why I Attend a White Privilege Conference

From Your Presbytery Leader: “Why I Attend a White Privilege Conference” When I was just starting out a little over ten years ago as a freshly ordained pastor, a debate about race was unfolding at one of my first presbytery gatherings. I don’t recall the exact issue, but I’ll never forget when a White colleague named Jeremy spoke out about…

In a Garden, Some People See the Flowers

Blog Post by Rev. Bob Jensen Bridge Presbytery Leader In a Garden, Some People See the Flowers. My dad loved the beauty of flowers.  In his retirement, he spent his time mainly caring for flowers he found “dumpster-diving” out behind the local grocery store.  He would bring home those cast-off flowers and nurse them to health.  And though he was…

The Spiritual Value of Church Property

Blog Post by Rev. Dr. Craig M. Howard Presbytery Leader One of my first memories of coming to serve as your interim presbytery leader was the magnificent church buildings in the St. Louis metro area. It was and still is amazing to see the Presbyterian churches off of Delmar, going from Second Presbyterian Church, then Westminster, past Trinity, and…

Advent Readings 2020

Blog Post by Rev. Dr. Craig M. Howard Presbytery Leader Advent has many meanings. Advent is a time for waiting. It is a time for preparation. Advent is a time of expectation and anticipation of the coming of our Lord. In the November/December 2020 edition of Presbyterians Today, Jason Whitehead describes Advent as an opportunity to reset. He writes,…