Resources for Sessions

Supporting the Journey

Resources for Sessions

The session is responsible for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love, and witness. We provide these resources to support that journey.

Session Records Review

The Stated Clerk is responsible for the review of session records (Minutes, Rolls, and Registers) on behalf of the presbytery. The Book of Order requires sessions to have their session and congregational minutes, rolls, and registers reviewed by presbytery annually.

The dates and locations of reviews for 2024:

The Reviews will begin promptly at the scheduled time:

Dates, Time and Location TBD – Please check back in mid-July

Clerks, Session members, and/or Moderators may attend any review at your convenience.

Bring all minutes since the last review (there will be a blue stamped mark in the minutes to indicate the last review) and the congregation’s membership rolls and registers. Everyone attending participates in reviewing the records of their colleagues. It’s educational!

To prepare for the review complete the worksheet prior to attending a review session.

Clerk’s Pre-Review Worksheet24