Tag: Donna Cook

Greetings, Missouri Registered Voters!

It’s primary election time! There’s still time for in-person, no excuse, absentee voting at various locations around your local community. Check with your local election authority for a location near you. Also, in St. Louis City and County, you may vote at any poll on Election Day, within your election jurisdiction. Everyone registered needs to vote! It’s important to remember…

Abundance Scarcity Fear and a Leap of Faith Oh My

Blog Post by Donna Cook, Ruling Elder Oak Hill Presbyterian Church Presbytery Hunger Action Enabler Thanksgiving in 2021 is a time of abundance, scarcity, pandemic, inflation, fear, and/or faith. How we live into it is our choice. If we have an abundance mentality, we believe there is enough for everyone, and we’ll have what we need. If we have a…