The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy typically holds four Stated Meetings per year. We meet two Thursdays and two Saturdays per year, meeting in February, May, August, and November. These gatherings will all have a theme and include an educational component to them. We move in ministry engaged and informed together, and always begin in Worship.
There are occasions that will require a Called Presbytery Gathering, but those are rare and for designated purposes. In February we have been Called to Gather, by the Vision Team, as we have amendments to the Book of Order to consider.
Each Gathering, whether Stated or Called, is organized by the Planning Gathering Team, with guidance from the Stated Clerk of the Presbytery. These events could be Zoom only, Hybrid or in Person. It was agreed that February 2023 meetings would be held on Zoom because the surprise nature of winter weather. The Zoom links will be emailed out to all commissioners, placed in the newsletter, and on the Presbytery website calender (found under Resources).
The work of the church is strengthened when it is done in a spirit of openness and trust, and that is why all are welcome to attend and have a voice, even if not commissioned to a voting role. If you are a member of a church, that is a part of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy you are encouraged to attend all Presbytery Gatherings.
All are welcome to bring their voice and vision to the meeting, but only commissioners will be allowed to vote. When the presbytery meets, its voting members include:
- all ministers of the Word and Sacrament who are members of the presbytery
- all elders commissioned by their sessions to attend that meeting
- any elder elected moderator of the presbytery for the duration of his or her term.
What are the details regarding these two meetings? Find that information below but remember that times are approximate. We try our best to stay to time constraints, but we simply have no idea how long debate/conversation might take.
Stated Gathering – Thursday, February 2
The Climate Crisis in America and the Biblical Response
Schedule of the Day
3:30 pm to 6:30 pm (Approximately)
Complete Binder will be released on Fri., Jan. 20th
- 3:30 pm – Worship
- 4:15 pm – 10 Minute Break
- 4:25 pm – Education Session
- 5:10 pm – 10 Minute Break
- 5:20 pm – Business Session
– – – Education Session with Rev. Dr. J. Clinton McCann, Evangelical Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Eden Seminary.
– – – Worship led by Rev. Ellie Stock, honorably retired pastor, and member of Global Witness and Dismantling Racism and White Privilege.
Called Gathering – Saturday, February 18
GA225 Amendments to the Constitution
Schedule of the Day
9 am to 12 pm (Approximately)
Complete Binder will be released by Fri., Feb. 3rd.
The 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved and recommended to the presbyteries, for their affirmative or negative votes, proposed changes in the language of the Book of Order that, if approved, will amend the Constitution.
The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy has been called, by the Vision Team, to gather on Saturday, February 18 to vote on the proposed amendments to the PC(USA) Book of Order.
We hope we see you at these gatherings. If you have any questions about any meeting of the body, or individual team meetings, please let us know by emailing or calling the office at 314-772-2395.