Here are the top ten reasons why you should answer the call to serve as our Stated Clerk of Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery! Compiled by the Search Team for the Stated Clerk.


1. The timing is fantastic! As we come out of the pandemic, our presbytery life is stabilizing and we are returning to doing the things we love and care about. It is a time of renewal and excitement, and we have been consolidating our policies to make our work together clearer and more approachable.

2. Because you haven’t applied yet! In fact, we haven’t received any applications from potential candidates. And we know you’ve been thinking about it. It is a Book of Order requirement that this position shall be filled. We can’t wait long for everyone to wait for someone ELSE to apply!

3. We need your gifts
! Everyone brings their own gifts. We can use whatever gifts you bring. We can train you for the rest. If you have people skills, we can use that, if you’re a left-brained rule follower, we can use that. The gifts you have can help serve our presbytery into the future. Each Stated Clerk of the 166 presbyteries in the PCUSA have their individual gifts. So do you!

4. There is so much support for this position! Stated Clerks do not do this work alone. There are direct lines of access to the denomination for hands-on training and assistance in the work, as well as a tight support network of Stated Clerks and mid council leaders from around the country who are in regular contact. Joy has even agreed to stick around and help train and the new Stated Clerk upon the completion of her term! You will be surrounded by a dedicated office staff who will make sure nothing is missed!

5. We asked J. Herbert and he said no.*

6. We have amazing volunteers! We have the most dedicated, high-spirited volunteer leaders in our presbytery. It is an amazing joy to work together with our teams and committees.

7. The work is SATISFYING! Working alongside faithful Presbyterians in their faithful paths of discipleship is some of the most fulfilling work we can experience! As Stated Clerk, you will enjoy the impact of clear results and direct satisfaction that comes with the role. Our wins are shared, and the impact is felt.

8. You will have a well-defined list of responsibilities. Do not be intimidated! There is a checklist of duties that can be tackled one at a time. If 165 other presbyteries can do it, so can we.

9. Your self-care will be supported! Our Personnel Team and Presbytery staff value your wellness, and we encourage a healthy work-life balance. We have staff benefits that include a medical fringe benefit, retirement matching contributions, and regular office holidays. Your whole self will be cared for!

`10. God might be calling you! Listen for God’s call with us! “For God said to Jonah, “Get up and go!” … Ruth said, “Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge” … The Lord called again, “Samuel! Samuel!” … “God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” … “Awake, awake, Deborah!…Why do you tarry among the sheepfolds?” … “Then God said to Moses, “Why do you cry out to me? Tell the Israelites to go forward!” … “Then Mary said, “Here a I, the servant of God; let it be with me according to your word.”


*We didn’t really ask the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, but he’s the outgoing Stated Clerk for the entire denomination so chances are he wouldn’t be interested…


Candidates must apply and have completed supplemental questions by Sunday, September 24th. Candidates will be requested to fill out supplemental questions upon indication of their interest. Finalists will be notified by October 1st, and interviews will be scheduled on Tuesday, October 17th and Wednesday October 18th. Please send your letter of interest and resume, Personal Information Form (PIF), or CV to Donna Schiro,

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