Do you struggle with mental health, or know someone who does–a congregant, family member, or friend? Do they struggle with depression, anxiety, bipolar, or PTSD?
Now add a pandemic on top of that? It can all feel overwhelming. I know what it feels like to think that you are sitting alone in the deep darkness of mental illness. I have lived with depression, anxiety, and PTSD for over 25 years and was catatonic at times. Now I am leading a church, a mental health ministry, and working on my doctorate in Ministry. Yet, my health did not improve overnight but was transformed by connecting with others consistently, feeling heard and understood, and finding God amidst my darkness, (along with counseling, psychiatry, and yoga).
I am offering a safe place to explore where God may be (or perhaps doesn’t seem to be) in the midst of your struggle and this current chaos. I lead spiritual groups for people with mental health struggles—a place for you to be heard and to connect with others who understand. The groups are a combination of worship, conversation around a text (we’ll start with Exodus…the wandering), and some mental health skills mixed in. We will meet by video conference for now, which is not ideal, but the time is now. We need each other and we need to remind each other that the Light of Christ does shine even if it is very dim for us sometimes.
Please join me each Monday at 7 p.m. Just download the Zoom app and join us using this meeting link. I encourage you to reach out to me ahead of time, so we can connect and I can get any resources to you that you may need for our time together. If technology is not your thing, I can talk you through this Zoom thing. Until then, Mr. T Rex and I will be praying for you.
Peace and Health,
Rev. Thirza Sayers
Servant Leader, Light for the Darkness | Pastor, Hillside Presbyterian Church