Presbytery Gathering

Open Meeting Policy
The Work Of The Church Is Strengthened When It Is Done In A Spirit Of Openness And Trust
The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy Holds
Four Stated Meetings Per Year
There are occasions that will require a
Called Presbytery Gathering,
but those are rare and for designated purposes.

When the presbytery meets, its voting members include:
* all ministers of the Word and Sacrament who are members of the presbytery
* all elders commissioned by their sessions to attend that meeting
* any elder elected moderator of the presbytery for the duration of his or her term.

All are welcome to attend and have a voice,
even if not commissioned to a voting role.

Gathering Papers Found Below
Papers will be posted  by January 30, 2025
Upcoming Presbytery Gatherings
2025Thur., Feb 6Stated Presbytery Gathering - On Zoom
2025Sat., May 3Stated Presbytery Gathering - First Presbyterian Church, Cape Girardeau (tentative)
2025Thur, Aug. 14Stated Presbytery Gathering - Boeuff Presbyterian Church (tentative)
2025Sat., Nov. 8Stated Presbytery Gathering - Location to be determined