It is important that those who are to be ordained as ministers of the Word and Sacrament receive full preparation for their task under the direction of the presbytery. For this purpose, a presbytery shall enter into covenant relationship with those preparing to become ministers of the Word and Sacrament and with their sessions and congregations. This relationship shall be divided into the two phases of inquiry and candidacy. G-2.0605 Oversight During the phases of inquiry and candidacy the individual continues to be an active member of his or her congregation and subject to the concern and discipline of the session. In matters relating to preparation for ministry, the individual is subject to the oversight of the presbytery within the context of their covenant relationship.
Chair, Rev. Dr. Ruben Rosario-Rodriguez

Church Affiliation: Member at Large; Clarence Louis and Helen Steber Professor of Theological Studies; Director, Masters Programs; Department of Theological Studies at Saint Louis University

Additional Commission Members Include:
Rev. MP Panco, St. Mark Presbyterian Church
Rev. Karl Hauser, Southminster Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Susan Andrews, Honorably Retired
Rev. Shana Vernon, Chaplain Member at Large
Rev. Sean Butler, John Knox and First Presbyterian Churches of Florissant, Missouri
Lawson Calhoun, Ruling Elder, Trinity Presbyterian

Commision on Preparation for Ministry Forms