The Administration Team: Purpose, goal, and mission

The purpose of the Administration Team is to serve as stewards of the Presbytery’s financial resources, its property, and that held in trust by its individual churches for the Presbyterian Church USA, and its history, including the history of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, as well as the historical records, artifacts, and narrative histories of individual congregations.  The Team’s goal is not only to preserve and protect the Presbytery’s resources, but to maximize the use of those resources for its ministry to and with its congregations, and thereby promote the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world.

Moderator, Rev. Dr. Chris James New Hope Presbyterian Church Saint Charles, Missouri

Administration Team Members Include: 
Ruling Elder, Joan Huisinga, Southminster Presbyterian Church
Ruling Elder, Virginia Messersmith, John Calvin Presbyterian Church
Ruling Elder, Kathy Sherrick, Faith and DesPeres Presbyterian Church
Commissioned Pastor, Mark Wiley, Son Light Parish

Property Work Group
Moderator, Mark Wiley

Church Affiliation: First Presbyterian Church of Ironton and Park Hills

Property Stewardship:

In addition to serving as stewards of the property and equipment of the Presbytery Office, the Administration Team also assists member churches in the stewardship of their properties, which they hold in trust for the PCUSA.  That stewardship means reviewing the purchase of property, approving loans against the property, and approving the dispensation of property.  When a church closes, the Team handles the dispensation of its property.

Policy and Forms:
Finance Work Group
Moderator, Kathy Sherrick

Church Affiliation: Faith and Des Peres Presbyterian Church

Financial Stewardship

Every dollar employed by the Presbytery is a gift, a freely given contribution to the ministry of Christ and his church. The Presbytery enjoys two major streams of income from its member churches, the Per Capita Apportionment, intended to provide for the administrative expenses of the Presbyterian denomination, and General Mission gifts from congregations and individuals. In addition, the Presbytery has investment assets (endowments), the earnings of which are used in accordance with the
stipulations of the donors. The Presbytery’s financial records are audited annually by an outside auditing firm. 

Policy and Forms:

Additional Finance Work Group Members Include:
Ruling Elder, Lester Hill, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Chris James, Administration Chair
Administration – Investment Work Group Include: 
Rev. Dr. Mark Thomas, Honorably Retired
Ruling Elder, Doug Wilton, Ladue Chapel Presbyterian


History Team
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Co-Moderators, Ruling Elders Joan Huisinga & Virginia Messersmith

Church Affiliation: Southminster Presbyterian Church (Elder Huisinga)

Church Affiliation: John Calvin Presbyterian Church (Elder Messersmith)

History Stewardship:

In addition to maintaining records of the early history of area Presbyterians as found in two published books, and the history of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, the History Work Group also maintains a file on current and past churches in the Presbytery.  Significant anniversaries are celebrated with a framed proclamation, and flowers or an outdoor planting.  When a church closes, we meet with congregational representatives and advise what materials should be sent to the Presbyterian Historical Society or to local historical societies and appraise valuable artifacts.  We also provide workshops and programs to the congregations of the Presbytery.  Proceeds from our annual history bus tour completely funds the History Work Group’s ministry.

Policy and Forms: